Friday, December 7, 2012

How really maintain the health of your computer

How really maintain the health of your computer , This will be explained to you in details

 Beginner computer lessons
How really maintain the health of your computer
Hello For Beginners: How to keep really on the health of your computer? Here's how .

Whenever we deal with the computer on it sensitive devices that can not tolerate Rough whenever helped to avoid the problems that come from our computers .Smart password in order to protect our computer Profile of curious messes should password-protect it smart. Any password that is difficult for outsiders to expect it will not be necessary password is our first name or the name of a friend or children. Must also move away from famous names such as movie stars, singing, sports, must also do not write your password on paper and put them on the side of the screen so as not to forget, as some people do. Mark password consisting of eight letters and numbers at least until make it difficult to access.

Health and viruses
Also affected by human viruses and microbes computers are also affected by computer viruses, which is due to more than 80% of the problems that we face with the computer. Prevention is better than cure so you must setup a program  to resist viruses and without this program will become the computer in the wind. As must be updated this program on a regular basis (preferably daily or whenever we contacted the Internet) so that the program can detect new viruses. Do not risk running the attached file any doubt where it is best to cancel this message.


Insurance programs called firewall Firewall has become just as important as anti-virus programs. These programs are essential for the prevention of some types of viruses and also to prevent spyware and hacker attacks. This program will alert you in case of exit of any file on your computer to any site on the Internet without asking also alert you in case of a request of any program on the computer to deal with the Internet.There are many good programs and free of this quality and you can get on the Internet and perhaps the most famous of these programs Zone Alarm.

Internet Browser

Most Internet users are surfing the web sites through your Internet browser Internet Explorer IE is the most famous and widespread. We must adjust the program so that gives us a degree of insurance and confidentiality that we need during browsing  web sites. We can do this through the Internet Options property that are in the list of tools Tools program.

Updated Windows system

Virus developers and Internet pirates were reviewing minutes of operating systems in an attempt to detect any security breach can force them to users' computers. Manufacturers of operating systems are developing programs that bridge the gaps that detects security operating systems produced by. These programs are called Patches and the user can download for free from sites producing companies operating systems on the Internet.

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